Friday, November 28, 2008

Adjusting to Insanity

The roaches are dead
And I can sleep.

I think about them all the time -
the proximity of their living quarters troubles me.

I plan my lessons and I think about them.
I cook my food and I think about them.
I wipe my ass and I think about them.
I think about them all the time.

the way the light plays against my body as I pace about my room creating an unnatual looking shadow and I swear I spot one!

Their feeding habits trouble me.
Their mating habits trouble me.
Their sleeping habits trouble me.
I think about them all the time.

I found one in my bath towel and almost wept.

These alien creatures who became my neighbors.
Then my roommates.

I do not like them.
I want them more than gone.

I have laid traps.
Called assassins.
And many are dead.

But I think about them all the time.


  1. This perfectly sums up my issues with my own roach issue.

    Miss you, Joshy. Glad to see NY agrees with you.

  2. I recommend Boric acid, water traps, and a kill on sight policy.

  3. Thank you Jeremiah.
    Recommendations 1 and 3 are fully in effect.
    Water traps?
    It appears you are wise in the art of war.
    Please teach me master.
